Crafting Memories ...
I LOVE Silhouettes. When we were in Disneyland we had them made of the kids. At the time we only had two kids and I have been dying to get updated ones made with all three kids. So when I came across this blog
71 Toes I not only LOVED her blog (check it out) but was inspired to make my own Silhouettes.
What you need:
Scissors regular and small scissors
black paint or spray paint
glue stick
camera, printer, computer
frame of your choice
background paper for in frame
white card stock paper
I placed my kids in front of our sliding glass doors
and took a picture of each ones heads
(facing the same way)
I then uploaded them to the computer
printed them out on card stock paper
Cut them out.
Painted them back and framed them.
Its that easy, I swear!
I printed the numbers out from a word document
Bookman Old Style Font
Size 150
but scrapbooks stores would have them too!
This was less than $15.00
and I couldn't have bought anything better!