Don't Miss This Goodbye...

I grew up with her on TV. In fact, I don't remember a time she wasn't, and today we say goodbye to her. Oprah you will be missed!

As a child my mom always had Oprah on TV and now in my home we watch and record all Oprah shows. My two older kids both learned her name before many family members names. I had the joy of seeing her here in Denver on her "Live your Best Life Tour" with all the women in our family and her presence is everything you could imagine it to be.
It was an experience of a lifetime.
So here's to you Oprah! A million thanks for sharing the worlds greatest stories of love, grace and triumph, and of course the most fabulous products out there!

Today at four I will cheers you with a martini and some tears as we all say goodbye and goodluck!

Flip Flops, Baseball and Sunshine...

We had a weekend of fun!
$1 Flip Flops from Old Navy and Baseball!
Macks team had their first scrimmage.
I am SO glad that we are FINALLY keeping tracks of strikes.
They are so cute when they are little but I have to say,
the games are so long and boring. Yep I just said that!
This year should be fun and challenging for the boys.
We are looking forward to it!
Happy baseball season to all you baseball fans
Let's Play Ball!

Don't Miss This $1 Sale

This Saturday, May 21st Old Navy opens at 7am for their $1 Flip Flop Sale!

I recommend calling your local store to make they are participating.
Limit 5 pairs per customer

A Favorite Product for my baby!

Nothing like a great new product

I LOVE Twitter Parties!
I was at a MomsandBrands party
hosted by @kemiingram
and I won a sample package from @sheamoisture4u
I had to share the products with you they are amazing.
The shampoo has done amazing things for Brock's hair.
People keep asking me if I got it cut. This shampoo has complete tamed
his crazy fly away hair. The lotions are so moisturising and smell awesome.
Would totally recommend them for your baby or as a baby gift!

Silhouettes of my kids

Crafting Memories ...

I LOVE Silhouettes. When we were in Disneyland we had them made of the kids. At the time we only had two kids and I have been dying to get updated ones made with all three kids. So when I came across this blog
71 Toes  I not only LOVED her blog (check it out) but was inspired to make my own Silhouettes.
What you need:
Scissors regular and small scissors 
black paint or spray paint
glue stick
camera, printer, computer
frame of your choice
background paper for in frame
white card stock paper

I placed my kids in front of our sliding glass doors
and took a picture of each ones heads
(facing the same way)
I then uploaded them to the computer
printed them out on card stock paper
Cut them out.
Painted them back and framed them.
Its that easy, I swear!

I printed the numbers out from a word document
Bookman Old Style Font
Size 150
but scrapbooks stores would have them too!
This was less than $15.00
and I couldn't have bought anything better!

Growing and Growing

Spring Again...
Time is flying by. I win worst mom award on Easter because I took two pictures of my kids, and NOT one of Brock, my youngest.  In my defense it was my 30th too so I was hitting the champagne hard. Thanks to my cousin Rene who brought me my own pack! But here are the kids outfits from Easter.

My Three
Mack with cousin Lukas

Audra with cousin Caley
Happy Spring everyone hope it's full of JOY!

Pass the Strawberries

It's Berry Time...
My mom makes Chocolate Dipped Strawberries for special occasions.
Now places are charging and arm and a leg for these delicious treats.
For my moms birthday I made them. They are fun to make and SO easy

Melt your Chocolate chips in the microwave SLOWLY
30 second intervals then stir GOOD and repeat until chocolate is melted.
For these I dipped the strawberries in Milk Chocolate
Let them cool and harden in the fridge.

Then drizzled with Dark and White Chocolate.

Let them cool and harden again.
Serve within 2-3 hours of making.

They were AMAZING.
( I use nestle or giradelli chocolate chips)

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